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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a typical day run?

Our programs are interdisciplinary and we make every attempt to integrate an outdoor component with all lessons. We are able to run 6 classes per day (150+ students); therefore, it is important to be running on schedule as it could affect other schools here on the same day as your class.

A tentative schedule is as follows:

9:15 am — Arrival & check-in with bus information form & balance of payment due

9:30 am until 11:30 am — 2 hours of program activities

11: 30 am until 12:00 pm — Lunch break

12:00 pm until 2:00 pm — 2 hours of program activities

* Please note times may vary slightly depending on grade level

What do we do for lunch?

All programs have a 30-minute lunch break built in at a specific time. This is so our staff can transition the classroom or outdoor stations for your afternoon learning experiences. Eliminating this break is not possible. Although we have an area to hold your lunches until the break, there is no refrigerator and no food to purchase. Please ensure your students bring a brown bag lunch and an area will be provided where classes can eat and utilize restrooms.

Should students bring money?

No.  We do not have a gift shop and there is no food to purchase.

Are programs rain or shine?

Yes. All classes are held inside our science building and any outside activities also have an inside substitution. You should always be prepared to be outside and are encouraged to “dress for mess”.

Can you accommodate students with disabilities?

All school programs are available for students with special learning needs through our Marsh Access program. Our science building and restrooms are physically accessible, and the incorporation of appropriate program modifications help all learners participate in the activities to the best of their ability. Please indicate “MarshAccess” when registering and our director of disability education will contact you to discuss your needs.

What is the required class size & number of classes available per day?

A minimum payment of $225 is required if your group is less than 15 students and the maximum number of students per class is 27. We can accommodate 6 classes per day for our standard school programs and up to 5 classes per day for our special request programs.

What is the policy on chaperones?

There is no charge for teachers and chaperones. We ask that there be at least 1 adult for every 8 students in grades 1-8; kindergarten classes must have 1 chaperone for every 5 students. For security purposes, all chaperones must be approved by your school.

Can we adjust the program times?

With prior notification, times may be adjusted to accommodate your transportation needs.

What happens if we need to reschedule?

This all depends on availability. Please contact us as soon as possible and we will do our best to help find an alternate date for your field trip.

Do you offer any other type of programs?

Yes. We offer a variety of additional program that can be found on our website. These include traveling programs aboard our Mobile Food Lab, family science nights, scout programs, enrichment programs for gifted & talented, convocations, and customized programs upon request.

How can I speak to someone directly?

Between the hours of 8am and 3pm, please call 201-460-8300. If you are unable to reach a staff member a staff member prior to 8am or after 3pm, please call/text 201-390-5583.